Welcome to the Dingdom!


hiya! my name is ding and i'm going to create a blog here documenting whatever i want really! interests that will most likely show up include:

  • art! i love me some art, would love to incorporate some daily webcomic for my silly little drawings of my silly little life
  • game dev! god i think game dev is so cool. would love to make a game someday. we'll see if i ever get around to it or if i just continue gushing about the idea of it
  • thoughts on what im currently watching/reading. im a big movie watcher and general consumer of media but i want a place to jot my thoughts down for each one. i currently have a letterboxd if you want to peep what movies im watching!
  • just my thoughts in general. maybe keeping some poetry that really resonate with me. maybe i'll divulge my unfinished music. who knows? stick around to find out!

but before i get to do any of the above i have to figure out how to make this site first LOL.

so if you're interested in seeing me progress and update, follow me!

thanks for dropping by, and stay tuned folks!